Hongxing Xu Group Attended the FOP4 Conference

Hongxing Xu Group Attended the Fourth International Conference on Frontiers of Plasmonics (FOP4) held from April 6 to 10, 2016 in Hefei. Hongxing Xu, Shunping Zhang were invited to give a talk. PhD students Qian Deng, Yang Li and Yang Liu presented their posters./// This conference aims to build a platform for scientists in the field of plasmonics to present and discuss their latest research results, exchange ideas, and inspire new thoughts. It covers all aspects of plasmonics, including but not limited to, quantum plasmonics, plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy, plasmon-induced chemistry, emerging concept in plasmonics, active plasmonics, plasmonic metamaterials, novel plasmonic materials, and application of plasmonics in energy, medicine, and biology.
